
20" Cymbal & Gong Extra Special Janavar crash-ride cymbal

20" Cymbal & Gong Extra Special Janavar crash-ride cymbal

Regular price $440.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $440.00 USD
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The regular Janavar series cymbals are meant to be light weight rock cymbals, full sounding, bright, and clean, with a small bell. All Janavar cymbals are categorized as crash-rides.

Cymbalistic's “Extra Special” Janavar cymbals are given “K-style” irregular hammering and lathing, for a slightly darker, more complex jazz sound. Usually we give them a heavy patina for a more defined stick sound, and to highlight their complexity. Some are given rivets.

Available cymbals:

“Cassia” - 1850g
Pristine classic example of an Extra Special Janavar— high bell, rather powerful high-mid wash. Regular light patina. Would do well with rivets. 

“Hillie” - 1793g 

Rather dry due to the heavy patina, this has nice K-like complexity to the ride sound, and a rather long, full crash sound. Great jazz cymbal. 

“Bosko” - 1730g 
This cymbal is a fascinating case— in its natural state it was problematic, with an indistinct stick sound and a rather viscious high pitched squeal. I had Tim at Cymbal & Gong give it a heavy patina, and three rivets, and now it behaves like an old, heavily played basher, rather quirkier than most Cymbal & Gong cymbals. Very cool! 

Select one for me
We will personally select the best, most representative cymbal of this type from Cymbal & Gong's current stock. 

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